St. Paul Lutheran Church

History & Heritage

St. Paul Lutheran Church in New Rochester has a rich history of faith and community, marked by continuous worship, significant expansions, and a steadfast dedication to Christian education for over 140 years.

Congregation Established in 1881

St. Paul Lutheran’s History

On August 4, 1881, ten men gathered in the home of Henry Beimdieck to organize a congregation in the New Rochester area. With trust in the Lord and unwavering determination, this small group swiftly initiated the construction of a house of worship. The first St. Paul Lutheran Evangelical church building was dedicated on July 30, 1882, followed by the completion of the parsonage in October 1882. The present church building was completed and dedicated on December 15, 1929, and the current parsonage, along with a pipe organ, was built in 1921.

Since its inception, the congregation has held regular worship services. Initially, all services were conducted in German until 1922 when the church began offering two English services a month. By 1934, English services were held every Sunday morning, supplemented by German services every other Sunday. Eventually, in 1953, all services transitioned to English.

Christian education has always been a cornerstone of our church.

A schoolhouse was constructed in 1883, with the pastor also serving as the organist and teacher. In 1925, the congregation decided to discontinue the parish school, opting instead for religious instruction on Saturdays, requiring four years for confirmation. As the educational programs grew, the need for expanded facilities led to the groundbreaking of an Educational Building in 1962, which was dedicated on February 3, 1963.

We remember with gratitude the great sacrifices made to build this church. Over the years, countless baptisms, confirmations, and marriages have been celebrated at this altar, each with its own story. Most importantly, men, women, and children have heard the good news of a Savior who loves them and died for them—a message that continues to be proclaimed every Sunday morning at St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Important Dates in History

First church constructed

School House constructed

Present church building completed

Educational building completed